• 100 Years at Epping
  • 100 Years at Epping
  • 100 Years at Epping
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Jesus’ hope filled words today prepare his disciples for his upcoming ascension. The whole experience of the resurrection and the appearance of Jesus to his disciples might have been quite overwhelming.

Fake News 150Nowadays there are a lot of lamentations about fake news and post-truth politics where facts and truthfulness have seemingly taken a backseat to non-facts, alternative facts, and emotionally stirring rhetoric.

But fake news is no news. The serpent in the Garden of Eden whispered fake news to Eve to persuade her to eat the forbidden fruit.


The very comforting words of Jesus in today’s Gospel give us some hope, dear friends, in our challenging world of today. The rapidly changing times and situations make us realise that nothing seems to be the same every day. 


Jesus said, “Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice” (John 18:37).
That’s why, after working diligently throughout an entire night