• 100 Years at Epping
  • 100 Years at Epping
  • 100 Years at Epping
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When I was learning how to drive, my instructor insisted that before changing lanes or before entering the traffic, it was not enough to look at the side mirrors but also to turn my head to the back of my shoulder so that I would be able to cover my “blind spot”.

Thomas’s exclamation, after seeing the risen Jesus face to face, dissolves his doubt and fills him with such faith that it transforms his whole life.

During this Easter time, I have become increasingly aware of how caring and tender Christ is towards those who are close to him.

Empty tomb Easter 150Someone once said that we are affirmed by our successes but can be enlightened by our mistakes and those situations which challenge us, reflects Fr Michael Knight SVD.

What is God trying to teach us in in the darkness of our own personal cross? How can the light of Easter make a positive difference in my daily life?

Fr Asaeli Raass profile pic 150Well, just like that, Holy Week is with us and the great mysteries of the Easter Triduum lie before us.

Thanks be to God, this year in our part of the world, most of us can hopefully celebrate the Easter liturgies with our faith communities (despite a fresh COVID cluster in Brisbane), unlike last year when the churches were closed due to the pandemic. Easter is always special, but this year, its celebration will seem even more precious.

“I will not leave you orphans.” What soothing and comforting words from Jesus to his disciples. During the time of Jesus, being an orphan was a very difficult state for a child to be in.

Jesus’ hope filled words today prepare his disciples for his upcoming ascension. The whole experience of the resurrection and the appearance of Jesus to his disciples might have been quite overwhelming.

Many of the images Jesus chose in his teaching or manifests in his relationships are images of tender, loving care and intimacy.

Fr Asaeli Raass profile pic 150Happy Easter to you! We are still mid-way through the Easter season and there’s no doubt that we really needed Easter this year.

With lay people observing the sacred liturgies from their lounge rooms, instead of in churches, and longing to once again partake in the Eucharist, while priests celebrated private Masses streamed online, we were ready to be reminded again of the tomb-busting power of the resurrection in our lives and in the whole world.

When I was a young priest, I was often surprised by the number of people I met who were “disappointed by God”, and so they walked away from Him.  “God never answered my prayers, so I stopped praying.” 

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