SVD - Celebrating 100 Years

30 Laity from in and around Brisbane & Toowoomba gather in Marburg to participate in the May Day procession, to pray the Rosary and honour Our Lady at the grotto (c. 1948) Office staff (2021): l-r: Teresa Tiu, Maria Kokkaris, Eleanor Taig, Ofelia Mangila, Lorraine Coutinho Top: SVD Lay Partners, Marsfield, gather together in fellowship. Bottom: Kevin & Lyn Thorneycroft have been involved with the seminarians in Box Hill, Victoria for many, many years—teaching most of them to drive, familiarising them with Australian culture including AFL & Melbourne Cup, cuisine and way of life. Their friendship with past students still continues . Kevin & Lyn celebrated their Golden Wedding Anniversary at Janssen Spirituality Centre, Boronia. Our Lay Partners in Mission T he SVD sees our lay friends as our Partners in Mission and, in line with the recommendations of the 12th General Chapter, the AUS Province has been exploring ways of deepening the involvement of lay people in the Province. A pioneer Lay Partners Group has formed in Marsfield and, together with the Province, has been discerning its path forward. A group of lay partners in Melbourne has also begun exploring this path. The Province sees this growing partnership as a great blessing.