65 Years of Priestly Life - Fr Ennio Mantovani SVD

Fr Ennio Mantovani SVD 3 Foreword In Biblical times, from time-to-time special women and men appeared who had a challenging role in society. They were wise people who had a gift of reading the signs of their times, and then interpreting these in often extra-ordinary ways. They spoke out, sometimes “bucking the trend”, challenging people to think and act differently. They were collectively known as prophets. Actually, throughout human history, and probably throughout the world, there have been people like this, right to the present day. One such contemporary prophet is Ennio Mantovani, whose latest work is in your hands now. Throughout his long and fruitful life as a missionary priest, Ennio has been observing the signs of the times in the places where he has lived, particularly in Papua New Guinea and Australia. Fortunately, he has been a prolific writer, sharing his insights with a broad audience. Readers of his books and articles will know about the life changing experience he had in Papua New Guinea many years ago, an experience which continues to colour his thinking and teaching. When you read this work, you will see that there is a logical progression from his early mission experience to his excitement about Quantum Physics. He uses his gifts as a modern prophet to encourage his readers/listeners to be open-minded about possible, yet possibly not yet mainstream, ways at looking at the world in which we live. Ennio makes us think, wonder and question. Yet he does so as a man of deep faith. This is not a difficult book to read, but it is challenging. I thank Ennio for presenting us with this challenge. Bill Burt, SVD, Janssen Spirituality Centre, Boronia, Victoria. Throughout his long and fruitful life as a missionary priest, Ennio has been observing the signs of the times in the places where he has lived, particularly in Papua New Guinea and Australia.