His Mission, Our Mission

248 His Mission, Our Mission Joseph Nguyen Van Xuyen (Vietnam), Nicholas Duc Le (USA), vanThanh Nguyen (USA), JB Trinh Dinh Tuan (Chile), and Paul Steffen (Italy). Fr Anthony said he wanted to direct the book primarily to a Vietnamese audience because he had found that there was a lack of scholarly writings in Vietnam on the topic. “For example, at the Catholic bookstore next to the Notre Dame Cathedral in Saigon, there were only three books on the shelf on this topic,” he said. “Two of the books were Vietnamese translations of Pope Francis’ exhortation Laudate Deum. The remaining book was a Vietnamese translation of a book on environmental ethics. While there are online articles that address Church teachings on environmental safeguarding, published books written by Vietnamese scholars on the topic are almost non-existent. So, I was trying to respond to this gap with this modest volume.” He said he hoped the book would be an additional resource for Vietnamese Catholics to be more acquainted with the Church’s teachings on ecological safeguarding. “As Vietnam is one of the countries most at risk due to climate change, Vietnamese Catholics need to be more equipped with knowledge of the crisis from the theological and spiritual perspective in order to respond to the situation – both locally and globally – with greater clarity and conviction,” he said.