His Mission, Our Mission

266 His Mission, Our Mission SVD Australia Province Vision Statement We, the Divine Word Missionaries of the Australia Province, affirm that the Word Incarnate is our Life and our Mission. Guided by the Holy Spirit, we follow Jesus, glorifying the Triune God wherever we are sent. Mission Statement We witness to our missionary charism through living and working in intercultural communities. From this fraternal experience, we reach out to all people, giving priority to the following dialogue partners: • Indigenous peoples in Australia, New Zealand, Thailand, and Myanmar; • Migrants, asylum seekers, refugees, the poor, and the marginalised in our places of mission; • Faith seekers and people of goodwill from various places, spiritualities, and cultures. Together with our dialogue partners, we foster a culture of encounter and care for creation and our Common Home. We are committed to our Vision and Mission by providing integrated initial and ongoing formation for mission.