Most of us when we were children may have tried to figure out what would happen if we put a seed in a glass of water. At first, it seems nothing is happening, then maybe after a few days, the outer shell of the seed begins to crack, then slowly a little green sprout springs out of the seed until a little bud forms and a green leaf slowly unravels.
The image of the cross is one of the most popular and most powerful images that we see. Whenever we see the cross, for most of us, we feel some sort of solace and security that we’re assured that everything will be alright.
Temptations are a regular part of our lives. Five days a week, I used to go out in the morning and take an hour’s walk around the corner in Macquarie Fields when I was serving in that parish.
The person suffering with leprosy, in today’s Gospel, puts the ball in Jesus’ court and says, “If you want to, you can cure me.” It must have taken an enormous leap of faith for this person ...
Jesus took her by the hand. We sometimes come to Mass poor, sick and troubled, much like the people who crowd around the door of Jesus in today’s gospel.
In today’s gospel Jesus teaches us two important lessons if we would be followers of Him. Like him we must teach with authority. And like him we must bring healing to those in need.
One of the most important events in an Athletics competition is the relay race. And one of the most crucial moments of this race is the baton change.
The readings of today invite us to respond to God’s call. In our Christian tradition we call it ‘vocation’.
If only we knew more about this remarkable Holy Family! The Scriptures tell us some things, but also so many things they don’t tell us? However, the Scriptures do give us a hint as to why we can call Jesus’ family a Holy Family.
Different cultures came together in music and song to celebrate the birth of Jesus at Multicultural Christmas Carols, hosted by the Divine Word Missionaries in Sydney and Brisbane.
The SVD Marsfield Community hosted its annual Christmas Carols Festival and St Mark’s Parish, Inala hosted an ecumenical, multicultural Carols evening in Brisbane.
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