News & Events

Br-Maurice-Taylor-SVD---150Br Maurice Taylor SVD has been remembered as an exemplary religious, a dedicated teacher and administrator, but also as a man of deep prayerfulness.

Br Maurice, whose health began to decline about four years ago, died in hospital in Sydney this month, at the age of 81, with his last words to a nurse at his retirement village being: “I am at peace.”

Sr-Josapha-jubilee---150The SVD Marsfield community recently celebrated the Diamond Jubilee of their friend and Arnoldus family member, Sr Josapha Lergessner SSpS.

Sr Josapha, together with SSpS sisters and friends, joined the SVD Marsfield community for a special Mass and dinner to mark the milestone of 60 years since she took her first vows as a Holy Spirit Missionary Sister.


Thursday, 25 February 2016 16:14

Fr Arnold - a homily

Fr-Frank-Gerry-SVD---150Father John has invited me to speak in honour of St. Arnold Janssen, the founder of three missionary religious congregations: the Divine Word Missionaries, the Holy Spirit Missionary Sisters, and the Holy Spirit Sisters of Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration.

We simply speak of him as Father Arnold. His feast day was last Friday.

Sharon-McCallum---150The SVD AUS Provincial Council recently undertook a workshop and reflection day on Professional Standards, to ensure the leadership team continues to be well versed in current policies, procedures and requirements in this important area.

The reflection day was facilitated by Dr Sharon McCallum, a consultant on ethics, complaints management and professional standards, who says the program focused on the Church’s response to allegations of harm to children or vulnerable people.

Fr-Frank-Gerry-SVD---150February was a month of great celebration in the SVD AUS Province, as two confreres celebrated significant anniversaries of their vows, with Fr Frank Gerry SVD notching up 65 years as a Divine Word Missionary and Fr Michael Hardie SVD marking his 25th jubilee.

Fr Frank, who now lives in retirement, celebrated his jubilee with family in Brisbane, while Fr Michael shared the milestone with confreres at Dorish Maru College in Melbourne, where he is Rector.


St-Arnold-Feast-Day-2016---150SVD communities around the AUS Province celebrated their heritage in January with the feast days of the Divine Word Missionaries founder, St Arnold Janssen, and the first SVD to be sent out on mission, St Joseph Freinademetz.

St Arnold’s feast day is celebrated on January 15, while St Joseph’s is on January 28. Each community celebrated the feast days in different ways, with the celebration of the Eucharist uniting all in prayer and thanksgiving.


Edward-and-Clement-on-arrival-in-Oz---150The academic year is getting underway at the SVD formation house, Dorish Maru College, in Melbourne, with five new young missionaries from Vietnam, Ghana and Mexico joining the multicultural student mix as they take up language and theological studies.

Dorish Maru College is home to students from various countries who have come to the AUS Province to complete their formation and education as Divine Word Missionaries.

PNG-CHapter---150AUS Provincial, Fr Henry Adler SVD, attended the recent Papua New Guinea Provincial Chapter meeting, as part of a new push to promote closer collaboration among SVD zones and sub-zones in the Asia-Pacific.

The PNG Province, which has a long and warm association with the AUS Province, took as its theme for the gathering, “Witnessing the Joy of the Gospel through Intercultural Living”.


Carols---Santa-suits-etc---150The annual SVD Marsfield Community Carols by Candlelight was a wonderful celebration again this year, featuring choirs and performers from a broad range of ethnic communities.

The multicultural flavour of the evening was topped off when everyone came together to sing Silent Night, with verses in different languages as well as in English. And there was even a visit from Santa for the kids.

Adelaide-Youth-Festival---Elmer-with-bishops---150The Divine Word Missionaries were in the midst of it when more than 3000 young people from dioceses all over Australia celebrated the Australian Catholic Youth Festival in Adelaide this month.

Fr Elmer Ibarra, the SVD Vocations Director, together with Hy Nguyen SVD, a young OTP student in the AUS Province, ‘hung out’ at the Divine Word Missionaries stall at the Festival’s Expo, and shared information and insights about SVD life with visitors to the stall.


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