Scripture Reflections

Most of us when we were children may have tried to figure out what would happen if we put a seed in a glass of water. At first, it seems nothing is happening, then maybe after a few days, the outer shell of the seed begins to crack, then slowly a little green sprout springs out of the seed until a little bud form and a green leaf slowly unravels.

Today’s Gospel passage is a part of the dialogue of Jesus with Nicodemus, a Jewish Pharisee and religious leader, who had come to Jesus expressing a sincere belief from his very heart.

There is some reassuring and challenging teaching presented to us in the readings of today’s liturgy!

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. Today we enter the second week of Lent. Today's Gospel shows us the transfiguration of Jesus. Literally, transfiguration means a change of face.

Temptations are a regular part of our lives. When I was still living in Macquarie Fields, five days a week, I would go out in the morning and take an hour’s walk. Basically that was my exercise for the day.

Today, our Mother Church continues to remind us that Jesus is a compassionate and loving God to all who approach Him with open minds and hearts.

There’s a saying: “A good start is a job half done.” On this first day of Jesus’ public ministry this is not just a good start but also a rousing start.

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus. Have you ever felt amazed when you see something? If so, why do you feel amazed? Is it because the thing you see and observe is beyond your thinking?

One of the most important events in an Athletics competition is the relay race. And one of the most crucial moments of this race is the baton change.

One of the best experiences I had with my parents was when in 2011 I toured them for four weeks around Australia and New Zealand.

Saturday, 06 January 2024 17:03

Feast of the Epiphany - 2024

Christmas is always a feast of Light, emphasising Christ is the Light born into the world and shining in the darkness. We see lot of lights in Christmas decorations as a symbol for that meaning.

Most of us would want to have an eventful day so that we may feel that our day has been productive for us. In the gospel for today, it is an eventful day for Mary and Joseph as they presented the infant Jesus at the temple.

Saturday, 23 December 2023 07:34

The 4th Sunday of Advent - 2023

My dear brothers and sisters in Christ. Today, we celebrate the fourth Sunday of Advent. Today's Gospel invites us to concentrate on the figure of Mother Mary.

How many of us whenever Christmas comes around, can’t wait to open up our gifts? Whenever somebody hands us a gift, we try to shake it, press on it to feel what could this be.\

You can’t spell adventure, unless you begin with Advent.” Here we go, it is the second Sunday of our Advent journey/advent-ure. Hopefully, it is not just another Advent, in fact, it is a grace-filled season of preparation.

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