Tuesday, 29 June 2021 12:38

Retiring finance committee members bestowed with Papal Blessings


Finance Committee Papal Blessings 550Three retiring members of the SVD AUS Province Finance Advisory Committee have been presented with Papal Blessings in recognition for their work in helping the Province to provide good stewardship of its resources, in the service of Christ’s mission.

Peter Dent, Brian Rigney and Lou Youssef received the framed blessing from Pope Francis during a special presentation at Marsfield last month, as well as an official thank you letter from the SVD Superior-General, Fr Budi Kleden.

Provincial Treasurer Fr Stephan Gerdes SVD said the Province wanted to recognise the three men in a special way for the generous sharing of their expertise and time over many years.

“A Papal Blessing is something special, as they are issued at the ‘Office of Papal Charities’ inside Vatican City and they impart the blessing of the Holy Father,” he said.

“All funds received by the papal office for issuing papal blessings are used for charitable works in Rome, mainly for the many homeless and poor people in the city.”

Fr Stephan said the Papal Blessing was a recognition of the collaboration between lay professionals and consecrated missionaries which helps to animate and fulfil mission in the world.

“Our recent General Chapters, the highest governing authority in the Society of the Divine Word, have highlighted that the mission of God is entrusted to all faithful people, not only to us ‘professional’ missionaries,” he said.

“Lay volunteers also have a vocation to contribute to and share the mission of the Church. Their charisms are different than ours and that is good, as it complements and enriches the Church in the world today.

“Our lay partners on the finance committee of the Society are experts in their own fields, which helps us to make better decisions for the well-being of the Australian Province.”

Fr Stephan said good stewardship of resources was vital to carrying out missionary activity.

“In the Australia Province we are involved in many apostolates like parish ministry, communications, Bible ministry, Justice and Peace, and formation. And, like it or not, they all cost money and some of them, like formation, cost lots of it.

“But, for example, without formation, there is no future in our Society and also in our Church. With the guidance of the experts on our finance committee, the Australian Province made many good decisions that really benefit and support our ministries.”

Finance COmmittee Papal Blessings Mass 550One of the recipients, Peter Dent, said he was surprised and honoured to receive the Papal Blessing for his contribution to the finance committee.

Peter acted as a lawyer for the SVD for more than three decades and joined the Finance Committee about the time Fr Henry Adler became Provincial in 2014.

“I was pleased to volunteer to the Committee my professional time and legal experience as a way of contributing to the Society and its work among indigenous people in Central and remote Australia and people in South-East Asia,” he said.

“The presentation of the Papal Blessing was entirely unexpected and was something far more than warranted by my contribution. It was, however, a huge honour and I feel so privileged to have received it. It is something I will always cherish.”

Lou Youssef served on the Finance Committee from June 2013 to April 2020 and also worked as the Province Business Manager during that time.

“The presentation of the Papal Blessing has been a very joyful experience,” he said.

“As a gift from the Divine Word Missionaries, I cannot think of anything that could be more appropriate. It is unique and greatly appreciated. I value it greatly.”

And Brian Rigney started working with the SVD as an accountant in 2007 and joined the Finance Committee around 2010, retiring from full-time work in 2013 and from the Committee in early 2020.

“Not only was I surprised to be presented with a Papal Blessing, but really quite honoured,” he said.

“To do your normal job and get honoured in this way is very special. I’ve very much enjoyed my association with the SVD. After spending 40-odd years in the commercial world, it was like joining one big family. They are a great body to work with and I learnt a lot, especially in the area of multiculturalism.”

The Papal Blessings were presented by Vice-Provincial Fr Nick de Groot SVD. Provincial, Fr Asaeli Rass was chief celebrant at the Mass preceding the presentation and gave the homily.

“I am thankful today, on behalf of the Province to Peter Dent, Brian Rigney, Lou Youssef, your spouses and families,” he said.

“You have all contributed and sacrificed so much of your time and expertise for the life and mission of the Australia Province and beyond. Your generosity of spirit in the finance sector has enabled confreres in the four countries where we work to follow Jesus to the borders of life and bring sight, healing, mercy and love to all of God’s children.”


TOP RIGHT: Peter Dent, Brian Rigney and Lou Youssef with their Papal Blessings.

BOTTOM LEFT: Provincial, Fr Asaeli Rass SVD at the Mass to celebrate and give thanks for the contribution of Peter, Brian and Lou to the life of the Australia Province.