Friday, 03 September 2021 11:42

23rd Week in Ordinary Time - Year B - 2021


23rd Sunday, 5 September 2021

Fr Frank Gerry SVD 150There is a distinct message of hope and a call to mutual help in the readings offered to us this Sunday.

In times of difficulty and distress, we need to know where our strengths and resources are. COVID-19 has shown us that quite clearly.

This Sunday's readings from Holy Scripture point us unmistakably in the direction of our hopes and strengths, no matter what challenges or difficulties we might face.

The prophet Isaiah speaks of the faithfulness of God to his People: “Faint-hearted, courage! Your God is coming to save you!”

This was his message six centuries before the coming of Christ! So, the strength of a People’s faith and hopes go back a long way. They’ve been tested over time.

In the second reading from the Apostle James, we are reminded of our care and respect for one another, no matter where we come from, how we dress or what we possess.

This is how we build up the kingdom of God.

Finally, in the Gospel reading from Mark, a sigh and a command from Christ restored and clarified the speech and hearing of a confused young man.

Aren’t all of us, in one way or another, in need of that sigh and command of Christ, “Be opened!”?

So, with these few words, let’s be confident about our hopes, strengths and resources, that our faith gives us as we struggle with the challenges that life presents us with. Let’s encourage one another!