Saturday, 23 April 2022 17:47

Second Sunday of Easter - 2022

GOSPEL REFLECTION.  24th April, 2022.

John 20: 19-31. 

     “HAVE LIFE!” 

Bill Burt 150“Jesus performed many other signs in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this book. But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.”  (John 20:30-31) 

Two of my closest friends are Bernie and  Carol (not their real names) who are a remarkable couple. Bernie had been in and out of jail for most of the first 40 years of his life. He had been unhappily married twice, before he met Carol. Carol is simple, bordering on special needs. Rejected, she was often ridiculed by her family. However,  Bernie fell “head over heels” in love with her, and over the 20 years they have been together with their two children, Bernie’s love for Carol and his unwavering belief in her has caused an amazing transformation. 

Doubting Thomas for TwitterSeeing a beauty in Carol and believing in her, he has empowered her and enabled her to be truly alive, and life-giving. She has discovered her gifted-ness as a wife,  mother and home-builder. And as is not unexpected, Bernie’s life has been transformed too. 

The last words of today’s Gospel passage speak about the life-giving power of belief. John talks about how belief in Jesus gives life. Elsewhere in the Gospels we hear Jesus speak about the importance of loving God, our neighbour and ourselves. Understanding the power of love is not exclusively Christian! After all, almost all popular music is rooted in this concept.  However, it can be helpful for people of faith to reflect on this reality, and to recognise sparks of the divine in loving relationships where belief is so important.


Belief in a person can transform both parties.

Belief in a child by an adult can give that child confidence.

Belief in a team by a coach can make champions.

Belief in a community can transform that community.

Belief in a cause can transform that cause and make it happen.

Belief in the importance of caring for the environment causes positive changes.


Beliefs such as these can be life-giving. They can touch our hearts in ways that give us strength, and courage to go on, when life seems to be short-changing us. They can also mirror the gift of divine love that God offers us all. 

Likewise, unbelief can be truly soul-destroying. How many people never achieve their potential because it was drummed into them that they will never be any good? The joy of life can be sucked-out of a person by negativity. 

Let’s look at ourselves, our lives, and the lives of those around us, and the events which are constantly unfolding. Let’s wonder as people of faith how we can be life-givers. 

“Believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God….. by believing you may have life in his name.”  (John 20:31). “HAVE LIFE, GIVE LIFE, RECEIVE LIFE!”