Saturday, 07 May 2022 17:41

Fourth Sunday of Easter - 2022

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Year C

Readings: Acts 13:14,43-52, Revelation 7:9,14-17, John 10:27-30 

I know them and they follow me

Fr Prakash Menezes SVD 150Today as we celebrate the Good Shepherd Sunday, we are called to reflect on Jesus as our Good Shepherd. He knows us and we are called to follow him. Following our Lord is a privilege - a privilege that is open for all and not an exclusive privilege reserved for a few (!) - for we are individually called by him and he knows us through and through.  How wonderful it is to realise that our shepherd knows us and not just herds us along!

We also celebrate the Vocations Sunday today and each one of us are called to pray for vocations, especially for the religious and the ordained ministry in the Church.

Shepherd With SheepJesus today calls us to follow him as the sheep follow their shepherd. Sheep know that the shepherd will look after them, he will take them to the green pastures and protect them from dangerous situations. So too is our Lord, he looks after us everyday, protects us during our trials and strengthens us by giving us the food of eternal life through Eucharist. How privileged are we to be his followers!

As we bask in the joy of Easter and participate today to celebrate the Good Shepherd Sunday, in Australia we also celebrate Mother’s Day. It is a special day to thank our mothers and all those who play the role of a mother in our life. Mothers give us care and protection. They love us no matter what, look after us and think of us every day. They too play the role of a good shepherd. Let us pray for our mothers and mother figures in our life. May they be blessed and protected in these challenging times.

As we read in the Gospel today, the sheep belong to the Lord listen to him; let us listen to our Shepherd. He is with us and guides us. We are called to recognise his voice and follow him wholeheartedly. As we walk through our life let Jesus be our shepherd and may nothing else lead us astray. And let this be our prayer as we pray for our mothers as well as for vocations.