Monday, 30 May 2022 19:35

Religious are stronger when walking together

Religious are stronger when they work together in fostering their prophetic gospel voice in society, says SVD AUS Provincial, Fr Asaeli Rass, who has been elected to the National Council of Catholic Religious Australia.

Fr Rass was appointed to the Council at the CRA National Assembly in November and says he has been impressed by the scope of the work being done to support Religious in this country.

CRA National Council Rass elected“I’m very new to the CRA National Council but the meetings so far have been very comprehensive and really inspiring in terms of the depth of discussion and the areas covered by CRA,” he says.

“I strongly feel that it’s absolutely necessary that CRA continue on its path towards the future, not just because of the issues facing Religious, such as the drop in vocations and the ageing of many religious congregations, but it’s also crucial that we continue to maintain a prophetic voice in society.

“This has, for many years been a consistent pathway for CRA through (CRA President) Br Peter Carroll and the Council and their predecessors, as well as National Executive Director Anne Walker and the staff, working in close collaboration with the Bishops Conference to speak up on behalf of the poor and those affected by the challenges of our society.

“I’m very glad to now be a part of the Council and I hope to add something about the missionary nature of the SVD and our need to walk the talk of synodality, working together, not just within the Catholic Church, but also including ecumenism and Interfaith dialogue as well as dialogue with the secular world and atheists.

“When we reach out to the poor, that’s when it becomes more energising, at least for me.”

Fr Rass says there is strength in Religious walking together.

“The Church has not yet reached its potential in what it means to walk together. We’re just starting to learn that this is where our full potential lies and I really believe that it’s the Spirit bringing us together,” he says.

“God has got something in store, there’s a movement of the Spirit rising on this pathway of synodality.”

Fr Rass says it is the different charisms of the various religious congregations which provides CRA with its unique richness.

“I thank God for the pioneers who started CRA as a means of bringing all the charisms together, while respecting each other’s giftedness and particular spirituality.”

PHOTO: SVD Provincial, Fr Asaeli Rass is pictured top left with the CRA National Council members.