Friday, 28 October 2022 19:51

Mission - We're all in it together

Fr Asaeli Rass SVD profile pic 250Dear Friends,

Last month, I received a letter from Superior General, Father Budi Kleden SVD, reappointing me as AUS Provincial for another term from January 1, 2023 to – December  31, 2025.

I was lost for words and humbled to be reappointed again knowing that I don’t really deserve such a position with responsibilities that never end! My request to you is please pray for me as I pray for you.

The past two-and-a-half years have been a struggle due to COVID-19 travel restrictions preventing personal interactions, zoom fatigue, new confreres who became stuck at the international border, postponement of Provincial Chapter and Visitations and many planned meetings, AUS Catholic Church Plenary Council Assemblies, CRA National Council commitments, Federation of Oceania Catholic Bishops Conference Preparation Team for the Universal Synod next year, Implementations of 18th General Chapter Resolutions, and the list goes on.

To be honest, there was in fact a part of me desperately wanting to finish off at the end of this year and go back to something simpler and perhaps less demanding. But then I realised I don’t have any grave reasons to say no to another triennium of service. As my dad used to say, “Son, there is more work to be done and mouths to feed”.

I have accepted another term because I feel I am contented with who I am (not sure if that’s a good thing), my human limitations and strength trusting in God’s mercy and grace. I am Rass SVD, a sinner like everyone else. I may not appear to be your typical leader and I fully lament those moments of weakness. At the end of the day, I really am not interested in being right, being great or being important. I will continue to be myself because I believe it has sustained me with the grace of Office.

Together with the upcoming new Provincial Council for the next triennium, I hope to keep consulting and listening to my confreres and our Partners in Mission as we continue to give witness to our missionary charism.

As well as the responsibilities, there is much to look forward to in carrying out God’s mission in this part of the world. During my Provincial visitations so far, I have been incredibly impressed by the work being done by our missionaries in communities across Australia, New Zealand, Thailand and Myanmar. In their various ministries I see Jesus alive and the Holy Spirit moving among people of different cultures, backgrounds, languages and needs - a humble reminder that we are in this TOGETHER for the love of God and God’s people.

Yours in the Word,

Fr Asaeli Rass SVD,
