Tuesday, 29 November 2022 12:08

Newly ordained Fr Tin chooses life of missionary service

Tin Trinh ordination Tim laying on hands 550The Divine Word Missionaries joyfully celebrated the Ordination to the Priesthood of Tin Minh Trinh SVD this month – and for the first time, the ordaining prelate was Bishop Tim Norton SVD, Auxiliary Bishop of Brisbane.

The Ordination took place at St Christopher’s Parish, Syndal in Melbourne, where Tin has been serving as Deacon and featured contributions from the local Vietnamese community, in tribute to Tin’s home country.

Tin’s parents and other members of his family were also present, having travelled from Vietnam and the United States.

Bishop Tim, who was ordained a bishop earlier this year, congratulated Tin on choosing the Gospel reading from Matthew, where Jesus outlines what it means to be great: “Whoever wishes to be great among you must be your servant.”

“How easily we ask for the wrong things, just as James and John and their mother did,” he said.

“And how quickly we apply the world’s standards for leadership, particularly in Church. The Pope, bishops, religious, priests. We do the same as presidents and politicians. We apply those ideas of leadership.

“So, I’m really happy you chose this gospel, as a reminder that authority, leadership, is a form of service.  And that those who exercise it, must suffer.”

Bishop Tim said it is not always easy to take on the servant model of leadership.

“True leadership is found in serving others. And what this looks like varies according to where we find ourselves as Christians in the world. It doesn’t mean that the CEO must clean the toilets every week, but it does mean that we try to serve our co-workers, we try to serve our family members, our community members – this is servant leadership. We actually have service as our model.

“By being willing to go to his death for the sake of his message, Jesus could offer up to the Father the most perfect of lives, his life, on behalf of all humanity. The giving of his life was the offering of himself as a ransom, that lowliest of services, that self-abasement which reminds us of slavery.

“And so, the reign of God is actually built on this level of service. We set ourselves apart by the depth of our generosity of service. All of us.”

Each of us, with the help of the Holy Spirit, must discern how God wants us to serve, said Bishop Tim.

“Tin will serve as a priest. Others of you will serve as parents, aunts, uncles, workers, farmers, cleaners, teachers … so, greatness of spirit is in moving from being caught up in our own concerns and beginning to engage with the real needs of others.”

Tin Trinh ordination Nov 2022 with family 350He urged Tin not to look to bishops and religious leaders as examples of servanthood, but the people he will serve.

“There are senior people in this Church today who know a lot about this,” said Bishop Tim.

“Migrants and refugees who’ve left their home places for a better life for their family. You people who have done that, you limited your rights, you changed your habits, you changed your language, you left your culture, you denied your preferences, you changed your lives for those you loved and you have tried to do this while focusing on a faith in Jesus, the ultimate servant. So, Tin, these people are great examples for you and for me.

“Don’t look this way for example too much. We will help you where we can. Turn around and look that way (towards the congregation), look at the people who you seek to serve. They will show you how to be a servant priest.”

Following the homily, the Rite of Ordination took place, with Bishop Tim placing his hands on Tin and anointing him, the litany of saints being sung over Tin lying prostrate on the floor and Tin making his promises to be a faithful priest.

Following Holy Communion, Tin delivered his thanksgiving speech.

“First and foremost, I would like to say thanks to our God, who formed me, before I was born, I believe, and loved me unconditionally and supported me all the time,” he said.

“I thank also especially, Mother Mary, the one I always come to, to pray when I am down, when I am sad.

Tin Trinh ordination Nov 2022 with SVD and clergy 550“And thanks to God for giving me my parents, my family … thank you very much for supporting me all the time, for being the first teachers, the first friends in my life.”

Tin thanked all his family members who were watching online from Vietnam, the US, and some other countries where they are studying or working.

“Especially I would like to say thanks to my two grandmothers who are in heaven and watching me now,” he said.

He thanked Bishop Tim, Provincial Fr Asaeli Rass SVD and the Provincial Council, his formators, the parish priest and parishioners of St Christopher’s Parish where he served as deacon, his parish priest from Vietnam, and all who had contributed to the ordination Mass, including the parish choir and Vietnamese community choir.

Fr Tin then invited his father to say a few words of thanks on behalf of their family, with translation by Fr Thien Nguyen SVD.

At the conclusion of the Mass, Fr Rass announced to the congregation that Fr Tin’s first missionary assignment would be to Taiwan.


TOP RIGHT: Bishop Tim Norton SVD lays his hands on Tin during the Rite of Ordination.

MIDDLE LEFT: The newly ordained Fr Tin, with his parents, brother, uncle and cousin, who were visiting from Vietnam and the US.

BOTTOM RIGHT: Fr Tin with Bishop Tim, SVD confreres and other clergy after the Ordination Mass.