Thursday, 22 December 2022 11:06

Let us celebrate Christmas with gratitude in our heart

Fr Asaeli Raass profile pic 150Dear Friends,

As we prepare to celebrate the great feast of Christmas – the Nativity of our Lord, Jesus Christ - let us do so with gratitude in our heart for all that the Incarnation brings us.

When I celebrated the 20th anniversary of my priestly ordination this month, I was struck by the Advent focus on the coming of Emmanuel, ‘God with us’.

I am aware, as I look back over the years, of God being with me all through the journey of my missionary priesthood. God was there in the moments of joy and fulfilment and God was with me in the ‘dark nights of the soul’.

As I reflected, I wondered, what do our years of ministry achieve? A little, perhaps for the hungry? Will we be transformed? I am not sure. Should I be disappointed or discouraged in myself? Well, my spiritual director when I was in formation, Fr Ross Collins OCD (RIP), used to say that I should not lose heart because all our little works are caught up in something much greater.

Perhaps the point is this – whatever we do or say in faith and love, it’s all an expression of our hope in new life brought on by the child Jesus of Nazareth on Christmas Day.

Like a struggling and trusting farmer who tends to the seeds of goodness in the hearts of everyone, so that these seeds may sprout, we continue to care for the vulnerable seedlings, helping them grow into big trees. Even if the trees die, it’s all part of the cycle of life and the work of the Holy Spirit to draw us closer to the heart of God’s mission.

In this spirit of thankfulness, may I take this opportunity to thank you all – confreres, benefactors, lay mission partners, our finance team and hardworking staff for all that you do with us to grow Christ’s mission. As we prepare our hearts for Christmas, let us reflect upon the joyous moments, large and small, in our lives and make every day a Christmas celebration.

Yours in the Word,

Fr Asaeli Rass SVD,
