Thursday, 22 December 2022 12:31

New Provincial Councillors appointed for next triennium

Albano Da Costa SVD 150The SVD Australia Province has three new Provincial Councillors to help provide collaborative leadership over the next three years.

The new Provincial Councillors were recently appointed by the SVD Superior-General, Fr Budi Kleden, following their nomination at the local level.

They are Fr Albano Da Costa (Vice Provincial), Fr Boni Buahendri and Fr Anthony Le Duc. Fr Michael Hardie (Admonitor) will serve a second term on the Council.

Fr Anthony Le Duce SVD 150Provincial, Fr Asaeli Rass SVD, who was recently re-elected for a second term, congratulated the new councillors and thanked them for their generosity in serving in this role.

“The burden of leadership is not for the faint-hearted,” he said.

“Please pray to the Holy Spirit so that they administer the AUS Province with prudence and discretion for the overall goals of the Society.”

Fr Boni Buahendri SVD 150Fr Rass also thanked the outgoing members of the Provincial Council, Fr Nick de Groot, Fr Sunil Nagothu and Fr Viet Nguyen, who had served since January 2020.

“The teamwork and mutual support, counsel and praying together, have greatly helped to maintain the mission of the Province during COVID-19,” he said.

Fr Michael Hardie SVD 150“While holding their own respective ministries, they have reasonably availed themselves to carry out their duties as Provincial Councillors from day one.

“I have been impressed by their pleasant sense of energy and initiatives and a whole range of planning, evaluation and problem-solving for the common good.

“Thank you sincerely to all of them, who by word and example, have served our Province with their considered opinions, kindness and zeal.”

Appointments of new officials in the AUS Province will take place in early January.

In other Provincial news, the Provincial Chapter will be held in Sydney from March 6-10 and a General Visitation from the SVD Generalate in Rome will take place from February 13 to March 12.


TOP LEFT: Fr Albano Da Costa SVD, Vice Provincial

MIDDLE RIGHT: Fr Anthony Le Duc SVD, Incoming Provincial Councillor

MIDDLE LEFT: Fr Boni Buahendri SVD, Incoming Provincial Councillor

BOTTOM RIGHT: Fr Michael Hardie SVD, has been appointed for a second term on the Provincial Council.