Monday, 30 January 2023 18:30

SVD priests appointed to diocesan interfaith, ecumenical bodies

Parramatta Interfaith council CathOutlook 550Two Divine Word Missionaries priests from the Australia Province have been appointed to diocesan ecumenical or interfaith bodies, to help promote dialogue and understanding among faith communities.

Fr Michael Hardie SVD has been appointed to the Parramatta Diocese Interfaith Commission while Fr Mikhael Loke SVD has been appointed to the reference group for the Brisbane Archdiocese Council for Ecumenism and Inter-religious Relations.

Fr Michael said Bishop Vincent Long OFMConv invited him to join the Parramatta Diocese Interfaith Commission and there was a commissioning Mass for the 13 members of the Commission last year at St Patrick’s Cathedral.

“The aim of the Commission is to foster relationships with other faith groups, to experience their faith-based cultures and to become familiar with religious celebrations other than our own to help reduce any prejudice or exclusivism we might hold as Catholics,” Fr Michael says.

In his homily at the commissioning Mass, Bishop Vincent acknowledged the need in our world for people to have mutual understanding, respect, and cooperation for the greater good of all.

Catholic Outlook reports that he challenged those present not to be like the ‘dishonest’, ‘self-entitled’ steward in the Sunday Gospel (Lk 16:1-3). Rather, we are to reignite our public responsibility as disciples of Jesus Christ and to push past the political and religious divide in our incredibly diverse country, he said.

Bishop Vincent referenced Pope Francis who powerfully said, “I don’t renounce my faith if I speak with the faith of someone else, rather, I make my faith known because I speak to others, and I listen to them.”

After the homily, Bishop Vincent prayed over the Interfaith Commission, sending them on behalf of the diocese “to strengthen the social fabric of Western Sydney through interfaith engagement.”

The focus of the Commission will be on the promotion and understanding of interfaith dialogue through conversations, activities, presentations, and resources to encourage meaningful encounters with believers from other religions.

Fr Michael has been a missionary in Vietnam and Australia, including in ministries with an interfaith focus.

He says he is delighted to bring his experience of multicultural religious life and ministry to the work of the Commission along with the SVD commitment to interfaith dialogue.

“Part of the work of the Commission will be to share our knowledge and experience, as well as address different groups from time to time. We would also attend celebrations in other faith communities, such as a Ramadan breakfast or the Eid al-fitr celebration to mark the end of Ramadan, or the Diwali festival with the Hindu community,” he says.

"Dialogue opportunities with leaders of Judaism in the context of the Jewish Festivals can also arise from time to time.”

In February, Fr Michael will attend a Clergy Conference in the Diocese of Parramatta to hear Rabbi Dr Benjamin Elton, Chief Rabbi of the Great Synagogue, Sydney, speak on the significance of the Passover from Jewish and Christian perspectives.

“At a time when anti-semitic feelings are again rising across Australia, the opportunity to hear a Jewish rabbi address Catholic clergy is a valuable one, with prophetic import for continuing interfaith relations. Gatherings such as this foster relationships, create friendships and initiate further dialogue,” he says.

Meanwhile, in Brisbane, Fr Mikhael says he is delighted to have been appointed to the reference group for the Archdiocesan Council for Ecumenism and Inter-religious Relations.

The Brisbane Archdiocesan Council for Ecumenism and Inter-religious Relations promotes opportunities for Catholics to meet with members of the Jewish and Muslim communities and learn about their beliefs and practices. It also provides advice and resources for parishes on issues related to inter-religious relations.

“I think it is great that the SVD are being asked to be on these diocesan bodies, to share our experience in this area and I am happy to contribute,” he says.

“Ecumenism and interfaith relations is very much part of our SVD charism and spirituality and also our lived experience, so it is great to be able to share this with others, but also to learn from others’ experiences too.

“This is the path of dialogue to learn from one another’s experience and open ourselves to understanding and respect.”

PHOTO: Fr Michael Hardie SVD is pictured left of Bishop Vincent Long OFMCap at the inauguration Mass for the Parramatta Diocese Interfaith Commission. (Catholic Outlook, Diocese of Parramatta)