Tuesday, 31 January 2023 08:28

Generous response to special appeals already changing lives

Ukraine1The friends and partners in mission of the SVD Australia Province raised more than $70,000 in recent months for two special mission appeals – one to assist the people affected by the war in Ukraine and the other, to purchase a campervan for ministry to remote communities in Central Australia.

“We are very grateful for the generosity of people who donated to these special appeals,” says Mission Secretary Fr Viet Nguyen SVD.

“In both cases, the funds have already been put to use, ensuring that your generosity goes straight to work in the communities where it is desperately needed.”

Fr Viet says the Ukraine fundraising appeal, which raised $41,000, was part of a call by the SVD generalate in Rome to support the work of SVD communities in Ukraine and Poland who have been helping families whose lives have been torn apart by the ongoing conflict in Ukraine.

The Divine Word Missionaries in Ukraine have stayed with their people since the Russian aggression began on February 24, organising help, food and shelter for those in need and continuing to celebrate the sacraments.

In Poland, the SVD is also receiving refugees from Ukraine in their mission houses in Chludowo, Krynica, Morska, Lublin, Nysa and Warsaw.

Fr Ollie Noclam SVD at the wheel of the new utility vehicle which will soon house a campervan 550Meanwhile, a little closer to home, about $31,000 was raised in a special appeal for a campervan to assist the ministry of the Aboriginal Catholic Chaplaincy in Central Australia.

The funds raised, together with some funds from the Province, have enabled the Province to purchase a small campervan which will allow the missionaries in Central Australia to stay with outlying Aboriginal communities for longer periods.

The utility vehicle on which the campervan will sit has already arrived and been put to good use and the camper component is due to be fitted soon.

Prior to this, the missionaries would drive hundreds of kilometres to be with the people in those communities, but often, after celebrating Mass or other sacraments, they had to turn around and make the long drive back to Alice Springs again.

“For us, it is really important to be with the people and spend time with them, getting to know them and their culture and their way of life,” says Fr Olivier Noclam SVD. “We are very thankful to everyone who donated to support us in our ministry.


TOP RIGHT: The SVD has been housing, feeding and caring for Ukrainian refugees since the start of the conflict.

BOTTOM LEFT: Fr Ollie Noclam SVD behind the wheel of the utility vehicle which will soon house a camper on the back.