Thursday, 27 April 2023 11:07

International assembly brings fresh energy to proclaiming the Word of God

Elmer Catholic Biblical Federation Argentina croppedFr Elmer Ibarra SVD travelled to Argentina this month to attend the 10th plenary assembly of the Catholic Biblical Federation, an experience he says which reaffirmed and gave fresh energy to his commitment to proclaiming the Word of God in a fragile world.

Fr Elmer, who is Rector of the SVD formation house, Dorish Maru College, in Melbourne, attended the assembly in his capacity as coordinator of the Bible apostolate for the SVD Australia Province.

“This was the third attempt to have a plenary assembly in recent years, as, because of COVID, the last two attempts were abandoned because of lack of a quorum,” he said.

The Catholic Biblical Federation was founded in April 1969 upon the encouragement of Pope Paul VI for the implementation of the document, Dei Verbum, which was produced by the Second Vatican Council.

There are two kids of membership – the full members are made up of different dioceses around the world, or bishops conferences, and the associate members are institutions dedicated to the propagation of the Word of God, like the SVD.

Apart from representing the SVD Australia Province in his role as Bibllical Apostolate Coordinator, Fr Elmer is also the Biblical Apostolate zonal coordinator for the SVD ASPAC zone.

“So, it was good to be there in that capacity too, as we are preparing our own Biblical Apostolate coordinators’ assembly this September at the Janssen Spirituality Centre in Boronia, Victoria,” he said.

“The role of the Catholic Biblical Federation is to coordinate and assist the different institutions in propagating the Bible by sharing materials and technology and making sure that the Biblical Pastoral Ministry is in the forefront and the basis of our ministry in the Catholic Church.”

Fr Elmer said there was a large representation from the Society of the Divine Word, with 19 SVDs from all over the world taking part.

Elmer Catholic Biblical Federation Argentina Mass 450He said the highlight of the program for him was a visit to the St Rose of Lima Basic Ecclesial Community in Mar del Plata.

“It is a community made up of very poor people who have to go to the nearby garbage dump to get material to sell for recycling,” Fr Elmer said.

“They also help each other by providing assistance to those women who are victims of domestic violence by providing a livelihood through sewing. Men are also given livelihoods by making bricks which they sell. They also provide free food for those who need it.

“However, their main activity is the reading of the Bible and sharing how the particular Bible reading relates in their lives and gives them hope to continue with their daily struggles, especially among the youth who are addicted to drugs and other substances.

“For me this was very relevant, as I was reminded of the same problems that we face in my home country of the Philippines.”

Fr Elmer was asked to deliver a homily on the fourth day of the assembly, in which he said that all those attending, while from different places and circumstances, were all in the same boat.

“All of us delegates have one purpose, and that is the proclamation of the Word of God, especially in this fragile world as was alluded to in the theme of this year’s assembly,” he said.

“The assembly encouraged me not just to continue and do more in my Biblical apostolate, but also to continue and broaden my contacts so that we can share more resources and be more effective in proclaiming the Word of God.”


TOP RIGHT: Fr Elmer Ibarra SVD at the Catholic Biblical Federation assembly in Argentina.

BOTTOM LEFT: The assembly attracted delegates from all around the world.