Thursday, 26 March 2015 16:13

Joyous ceremony as five take Perpetual Vows


Five young men took their Perpetual Vows as Divine Word Missionaries during a joyous celebration in Melbourne this month.

Final-vows-2015-kneeling---350Anthony Li, Marianus Supardi, Michael Wu, Laurensisus Woda and Uili Uvea took their vows before a packed congregation in St Paschal’s Chapel, Box Hill. The following day, Marianus and Uili were ordained to the Diaconate.

SVD AUS Provincial, Fr Henry Adler SVD officiated at the final vows ceremony, emphasising the call of Pope Francis that to live consecrated life is to live a life of joy.

“Religious vows, like the marriage vows, are indeed a response to a very personal experience of God’s love,” he said.

“These vows are made freely, joyfully and for the rest of one’s life.

“The SVD Constitutions remind you that this calling and this love is not kept solely within you, for your love is to spill over into service of your brothers and sisters.

“Your vows, your commitments are not about you only, but they are about God’s Kingdom; they are about Witness, Service and Mission, and, as our Pope Francis often reminds us, consecrated life needs to be lived prophetically and authentically.”

Final-vows-2015-cutting-cake---350In personal reflections prepared ahead of their vows ceremony, the five men spoke of having heard God’s call many years ago, and putting their trust in God.

Michael spoke of his desire to share with others the love that he has found in Jesus.

“It is from this knowing God’s love and friendship that I can now witness to others as a missionary,” he said. I’ve always been touched and attracted by Jesus’ compassionate love for all and it is this love that I want to share for the rest of my life.”

Marianus, reflecting on the readings chosen for the vows ceremony (Jeremiah 1:4-10 and John 15:9-17), said he had come to realise that God is everything for him.

“Like the prophet Jeremiah, I believe my vocation is quite unique. God has chosen me, not because I am the best person or worthy to answer God’s calling or to do God’s mission, but simply because God loves me so much and wants to form my life according to what God wants me to be. God has called me and made me worth to be sent out as a missionary, especially when I feel unworthy.”

Uili too said he was convinced that God had a plan for him long before he was born.

“I fully trust God and God’s amazing plan in my life. It is this God who has been protecting me and looking after me over the years. It is this God who sends me, Uili, from an unknown place (Tonga) to the people of the Philippines. This gives me mighty strength and courage to say YES to God for the rest of my life and leave the rest to God.”

Final-vows-2015---crowd-on-steps---350In his personal reflection, Laurensius (Laurens) said he was overwhelmed by God’s love for him.

“God, with his great faithfulness, has truly loved me ever since I was even very young to realise his call. His loving mercy encourages me to say YES to Him and to fully give myself for His mission; abiding in his love and then sharing his love with others. So, I’m ready to set up permanent camp in God’s love, and be stuck there forever. I strongly believe that His love is my safest home. All I need to do now is to abide in his love.”

And, like his four companions, for Anthony, God’s call is an invitation to a love-relationship with the Lord, which then leads to mission.

“Mission is a joyful experience, even if life is difficult at times. Knowing that God loves me and invites me to mission gives me tremendous joy and confidence to commit myself for life to the God who loves me, living my missionary life in religious vows of chastity, poverty and obedience.

In his homily, Fr Henry said that all those gathered to witness the final vows ceremony had come to support the young men as they stood before the Lord to pledge their life commitment.

“We are here to assure them that we will be with them as they respond to God’s invitation; God’s call to Mission, to build up the Kingdom of God,” he said.

“Be assured that we, your brothers and sisters of the Arnoldus (SVD) Family, and all your friends, as we pass on the light of the Final Vows Candle to you and confirm your membership in the Society of the Divine Word, we pledge to pray for you so that each day you may get up, eat of the sacred meal and continue your journey as authentic witnesses of God’s Kingdom.”

Having received their final formation in Melbourne, the five young men will be sent out across the world for their first Mission Assignments.

Uili has been assigned to the Philippines, Marianus to The Netherlands, Laurens to Indonesia, Anthony to Chile and Michael to the Central America Region.