Tuesday, 12 May 2015 12:28

Fr Liam Horsfall SVD receives warm tributes as he steps down from chaplaincy duties


Liam-farewell---350Fr Liam Horsfall SVD has been farewelled from his longstanding chaplaincy duties at St Patrick’s College, Shorncliffe and Mercy Aged Care, Nudgee, with warm tributes and thanksgiving from both communities.

Fr Liam, who is 89 this year, has been chaplain for the two communities for 20 years, but some current health challenges have prompted him to ease back on his regular commitments.

“There comes a time to pull back a bit,” he says. “When you realise that your health problems have to be attended to, you realise that the time has come. You have to do it.”

Fr Liam’s chaplaincy role at St Patrick’s was a broad one, not only celebrating the sacraments for the boys, but also becoming a much-loved confidante to many. He also got to know many of the students by inviting groups of them to join him each year for a mission experience in India, where he spent much of his missionary life, including some years as Provincial.

“I enjoyed St Patrick’s very much,” he says. “I went there almost every day, and when you stop going, you do miss a lot of the normal things about interacting with the boys.

“It was one thing for me to do regular interviews with the boys, but it was quite another when they would come to you when they needed you. That was a real privilege.

“After a while, you come to know them very well.”

Fr Liam says he got “a bit of a shock” when young men who had graduated from St Patrick’s some years ago turned up for his farewell.

“That surprised me very much,” he says. “It was wonderful. I didn’t expect them to take time out of their commitments to come, but they did. I was also surprised when people I knew in Sydney 10 or 15 years ago came up for the day.”

Christian Brother, Christopher Pritchard delivered a farewell speech for Fr Liam at the St Patrick’s farewell function, describing him as the school’s “cherished chaplain”.

“At St Patrick’s College, Fr Liam has been perfect every day as Chaplain, for which, in gratitude, the College Chapel bears his name,” he said.

“Fr Liam Horsfall, we thank you, and we do not say goodbye, but cheerio – be back soon.”

At the thanksgiving Mass, celebrated on the feast day of Bl Edumund Rice, St Patrick’s Principal, Mr Chris Mayes, thanked Fr Liam for his “exceptional commitment to the school community”.

“Fr Liam, I cannot think of anyone I know who better deserves this celebration of thanksgiving on such an important day for our College. Please accept this Mass and celebration as our sincere thanks to you for what you have done for so many of us.”

SVD Provincial, Fr Henry Adler said in his homily at the Mass that Fr Liam and Edmund Rice had a number of things in common, including being happy, positive and inspiring people.

“Like Bl Edmund and St Arnold Janssen, Fr Liam’s life and ministry has been marked by commitment to mission, to people in need, to education, and any other process that enabled people to live a better life,” Fr Henry said.

“Wherever he was – in Chicago, India, PNG, Sydney or Brisbane – he has the ability not only to serve people, but to involve them in mission. His spiritual guidance and unique way of involving people in Mission, especially his annual trips to India, have made a lasting impact on many people, especially young people.

“His positive attitude (no doubt a quality of a saint), has been infectious to most of us. He rarely complains about his health. When you ask him how he is, especially when he is using his walking stick while trying to negotiate steps or uneven paths, he will always respond ‘perfect!’ or ‘fabulous!’ He even said it when we picked him up after he fell over on one occasion.

“Fr Liam, we would like to thank you today for that commitment to Mission in India, Papua New Guinea, Sydney, and here at St Pat’s College. Thank you for being an inspiration and an example of living a life of a saint in our contemporary world. Have a happy retirement.”

Fr Liam also says he will miss his longstanding chaplaincy duties at Mercy Aged Care in Nudgee, where he has regularly celebrated Mass, as well as many funerals for the Sisters and others.

"You do get to know them all well over the years," he says. "And I will miss it."

PHOTO: Fr Liam is pictured, front right, at his farewell Mass at St Patrick's, Shorncliffe.