Saturday, 04 July 2015 11:18

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time - 2015 -


Fr-Quang---150In his public ministry, Jesus’ teaching was not always welcome. He experienced rejection and was disowned by the people who were close to him. In this Sunday’s gospel, we learnt that the people of his native town rejected him because they thought they knew him too well. He was too familiar to them. At one time, during his preaching, his family went out to get him because they thought “he is out of his mind” (Mk 3.21).

Familiarity provides comfort zone, but it can also kill creativity. Jesus, like any prophet before him, came to challenge us to get out of our comfort zone, to imagine what God has for us in his kingdom – healing, forgiveness, wholeness, love- that far exceeds what our human imagination could possibly dream of.

The good news is too good to give it up regardless of people’s indifference to it. “Whether they heed or resist – for they are a rebellious house – they shall know that a prophet has been among them.” (Ez2:5). At baptism, we are anointed to share in Christ’s Kingship, Priesthood and Prophetship. The mission of bearing witness to God’s kingdom is in our christian DNA. We do not have a mission like a badge that we can put on and take off. We ourselves are the mission.

Saint Paul was so passionate about the Kingdom’s goodness that he cried, “For woe is unto me if I do not preach the gospel” (1Cor 9:16).

We, the SVDs, also identify our life and mission as completely in harmony with Him whose life is our life; his mission our mission.

14th Sunday – B
John Quang svd