Tuesday, 30 May 2017 17:44

I believe in Angels - a reflection


Joseph Reddy reflection 350

By Fr Joseph Reddy SVD

I did not keep my trust in angels, and their gifts of love and help, as often as I should've - until I came across one in my real life.

It was October 18, 2016, as I was on my return journey to Mumbai after a brisk home visit before I flew to Australia, that, through the providence of God, I found this angel in the form of a family friend, to whom I was introduced a couple of months previously by another priest-friend who I also met by chance.

I was at Lingampally Railway Station with family members, to take a MMTS (Multi Model Transport system) to Sec-bad. We were an hour early at the station because it would take me another 40 minutes to reach Sec-bad railway station from where I had to catch my train going towards Mumbai. My family members boarded me onto the local train, which by then was running late by 20 minutes. Since it was late, it gave me the opportunity to catch up with one of the family friends who wanted to spend some time with me. This person, who I know as Bujji (which means younger sister in Telugu language), also boarded the train with me to drop me off at the main station.

We realised something unusual was happening to the MMTS when it was deliberately delayed from one station to the other. Finally, we reached the main railway station to get into the train which would take me to Mumbai. With my two heavy bags, we had to hurry because the announcement for the train I was supposed to catch was being made. But we got caught up in the crush of people on the stair case, and along with my heavy bags, quick movement was unthinkable.

Joseph Reddy with angel 350After reaching the platform, with much difficulty, to get onto the train we found it had pulled out just two minutes earlier. I had missed it, and I felt sorry for Harshitha (Bujji) because she carried one of my heavy bags. But the pain of losing the train was helped because this Angel stood by me. It was really hard for us to accept what had happened but we needed to act immediately to catch the next train to Mumbai.

With much difficulty, we managed to march towards the ticket booking counters, only to be shocked by the crowds of people in serpentine lines. But Harshitha noticed the counters allotted for women were not crowded at all, and so she went forward and, with such kindness, bought me a ticket to Mumbai. I think she had a tough day with me, carrying around the luggage, but somehow she hid the pain from me and just stayed with me, keeping me company and making fun of the incident and my luggage.

She travelled with me in the same train until she got to a station where she could catch a connecting train to reach her home. As I sat alone, waiting for the other passengers to board at different stations along the way, I sighed deeply and said, “Thank You God for this Angel. I know You sent her to deepen my faith in Angels.” For sure now, I believe in angels. The angel who came to my rescue was lovely and pleasant to spend time with and share love. Thank You Bujji for being MLA (My Lovely Angel).