Friday, 29 September 2017 13:08

Let me be aware of God's love all around me - reflection

Fr Joseph Reddy with collar 150By Fr Joseph Reddy SVD

Many of us travel through life in search of God's love, sometimes unaware of the things around us that we need to help us find and experience that love. I am making that journey and learning many things about myself along the way. Come follow me on my journey!

Gone are the days, when I used to see people working on the farm, sharpening their axes and sickles. I barely understood the need to spend so much time on sharpening the instruments before putting them to work. Now I know that to get a good result, a lot of preparation is needed. And so it is with God's love; we need to be aware of what is necessary to gain the fullness of God's love.

So how important is our appreciation of life in our search for the fullness of God's love? With the flourish of time, our world has seen many changes. Small boats have become big ships, small buildings have become skyscrapers and roads have been replaced with railway lines. Do we need all this modern development and enhancement in our life? In today's hustle and bustle lifestyle, we have lost our sense of appreciation, and the sense of time to look into the depths within. The lively chirruping of birds, the innocent smile of a child, the lovely company of neighbours, the witty and generous conversations with the elderly, are all life captivating moments that I need to appreciate throughout my journey.

Joseph reflection flower 350In my life, I went in search of ways in which to encounter the love of God. I had tangible experiences of love through various people, namely my parents, friends and loved ones. But did I place too much importance on human love? If my experience of human love is so priceless and special, then the love of God would surely be infinitely more special than my human experience. So in order to experience the fullness of God’s love, I need to provide enough space within me. Already in my inner space, I have an agenda to love others unconditionally. But more importantly now, should that inner space be firstly reserved for God?

The experience of God’s love within is not limited to only a few exceptional people. I would be a most unfortunate person if my demise occurs without experiencing God’s love; just like the honey bee, working through life, gathering nectar from the flowers, yet never getting to taste the honey.

Whilst I am aware that heaven may be the appropriate place in which to ultimately experience God’s love, should I have to wait till I reach there? No, rather let me be aware of God in the people around me, in God's creatures, in nature and in His blessings. As I ponder all these things, seeing and experiencing Gods love, the dive I make into myself is worthwhile. I realise that what I need is a serene and sincere heart. I am also aware that greater things always begin from within, so I search for the root of the many fruits in my life.

Thus I find myself still on this journey through time, trying to discern my true self in my search for the fullness of God's love. What strikes at my heart is the need to attend to the physical, emotional and spiritual side of my life's journey. Only by awareness of how I live my life will I be able to fully experience God’s love.