Monday, 30 October 2017 10:02

Brothers assembly focuses on vocations, spirituality & formation


ASPAC Brothers Meeting Thailand 2017 banner 450SVD Brothers from across the Asia-Pacific region came together in Thailand this month for their regional assembly, which focused on topics including vocation promotion and the need for deep-rooted spirituality for Brothers in the hierarchical Church.

The meeting was hosted by the SVD AUS Province community at Nong Bua Lamphu in northern Thailand, which is home to two Brothers, Br Damien Lunders SVD and Br Ron Fratzke SVD.

Br Damien says the meeting included Brothers from India, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, China (Hong Kong), Japan, Vietnam, Indonesia and Ecuador.

“It was a pleasure to host the group to our SVD house on two occasions – once for drinks and the other, for the closing Mass, followed by a meal together,” he says.

“The delegates also enjoyed touring our SVD ministries here in Nong Bua Lamphu, our Mary of Perpetual Help AIDS Centre, the Ban Mae Marie children’s home, the Sisters and the parish.

“After they toured our ministries, they enjoyed visiting one of the very large Thai temples outside the city.”

A statement from the Assembly at the conclusion of the meeting said that after prayer, reflection and exchange of views, the Brothers arrived at six key statements and recommendations.

The Assembly recommended an intensification of vocational promotion through conventional as well as new and creative ways of promotion, including through social media and the internet, and also through personal witness.

“Since we recognise the importance of radical living in attracting vocations, each Brother should take an active part both in the actual vocation promotion and by the witness of his life and mission,” they said.

ASPAC Brothers Meeting Thailand 2017group 450They also strongly encouraged Brothers to increase their visibility in parishes by wearing the cassock during liturgical activities and recommended, if possible, a full time Vocation Director for Brothers for each sub-zone of the SVD.

Secondly, the Assembly noted the need for a deep-rooted spirituality for Brothers in a hierarchical Church.

“In the Church hierarchy, we are very much aware that the Brothers are not highly recognised due to strong clericalism in some countries. However, as committed religious, we ensure that we are joyful and dedicated in our mission,” their statement said.

The Assembly reaffirmed its commitment to the ongoing evaluation of the SVD Brothers’ Formation Program and recommended that formators consider the potential, interests and commitment of Brother candidates in planning for the Brothers’ future ministry and leadership roles.

The Brothers made specific recommendations to support their view that in guiding the Junior Brothers, there is a need for an integral and holistic approach, which considers the various aspects of formation, not just focusing on the academic or professional aspect.

And they recommended a common training program for formators in the ASPAC Zone.