Tuesday, 28 November 2017 10:00

Advent & harvesting both need preparation - a reflection



Fr Joseph Reddy with collar 150By Fr Joseph Reddy SVD

One of the things that a religious missionary who is far away from home enjoys is phone conversations with family members. Recently I had a memorable conversation with my Dad. Each year at this time of the monsoon season, Dad works tirelessly in preparation for the paddy Harvest.

In my last conversation with him, I asked Dad, how the preparation is going for the Harvest. To my surprise he said, that this year the farm is not in its prime healthy condition, because of the incessant rain. The chilli fields are more often prone to infestation of pests. However, he expressed his eagerness in waiting for the paddy harvesting in the early weeks of December.

I asked him, if they are getting ready for Christmas as Advent is fast approaching. For Dad, I know no experience would capture the spirit of Advent and season of Christmas more than the Harvest. The months of regular care of the farm and intense preparation to harvest the paddy, teaches Dad, what it truly means to wait in joyful Hope. While he prepares for the harvest, getting things organised, he can’t wait to get the crop into the barn.

Rice harvest 450Over the years, Dad has learnt that the steep changes brought by the monsoon often damaged the crops, so he doesn’t predict this year’s production to be more than last year’s.

For Dad, this practice of attentive waiting for the harvest is similar to the spirit we nurture during the Advent season. The joyful hope as we all await the birth of baby Jesus in our lives. As we wait attentively, our sight must be tuned to the signs of God around us, in order that we may recognise the Lord and welcome him home. My Dad always says, “There is no alternative for the preparation of the harvest and there is Joy in doing so”.

Before he ventures into the harvest, he carefully studies the weather and the monsoon activity. He prepares the ground for thrashing the paddy locks. He then buys all the materials, such as huge sacks to store the grains, parthal to be spread on the ground so that that the paddy grains may not be floored, ,and winnowing fans to separate the husk and the weeds from the paddy proper, and finally the labourers, who do a fine job of harvesting. After carefully weighing these various factors, he then goes for the kill – thrashing.

The KEY for harvesting dad says is to welcome the new paddy grains with utmost care … and the key to Advent is to welcome Baby Jesus into our world and life. To look at the world as Baby Jesus would look at it.

Often we think the harvesting is easy, so also the produce of a paddy grain. Dad always surprises me with umpteen numbers of lessons to learn from life as he awaits the harvest. If you see somebody, enjoying Christmas in receiving the baby Jesus in to their home and life, remember their waiting is worth it and their preparation great.

The happiness of receiving the paddy grain home needs lots of preparation and meticulous hard work. For Dad, all the preparations and waiting make for greater happiness at the harvest. So too, with Advent. In waiting to welcome Baby Jesus, may our preparations be right and constant.

Advent is waiting … waiting in hope for Baby Jesus in our homes, family and in our lives. May we have a happy waiting as we prepare to receive the infant.