Wednesday, 28 March 2018 17:26

Work underway to review professional standards protocols


Fr Michael Hardie cropped 350The SVD AUS Province has begun the work of reviewing and formulating the Province’s policies and protocols in the area of Professional Standards, with the aim of producing a best-practice manual which will contribute to a safer Church and safer society. 

The move forms part of the Province’s initial response to the Final Report of the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.

Provincial, Fr Henry Adler SVD, says he invited Fr Michael Hardie SVD (pictured, right) to undertake the task as part of his role as Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation Coordinator.

“The Royal Commission final report highlighted the need for religious entities to do this work,” Fr Henry says.

“So this is part of our ongoing response to the Royal Commission’s recommendations and a desire by us to be proactive in this area into the future.”

Fr Henry says the recent Provincial Assembly spent a significant amount of time reflecting on the Royal Commission’s findings and also on the implications for both personal and community well-being in light of those findings.

“We were led in our reflections by David Leary OFM, an expert in this area and it was very valuable for our members, many of whom are from other parts of the world, to understand the context in which our ministry takes place and the importance of Professional Standards in the life of our Province,” he says.

Fr Michael, who will undertake the work reviewing, updating and formulating the Province’s policies and procedures, says the task is challenging but crucial.

“It’s challenging, because as a follow-on to the Royal Commission, public institutions, including religious congregations, schools and the wider Church are being called to a higher degree of accountability and professional responsibility towards the people we work with and minister to,” he says.

mr final report released“The Divine Word Missionaries, in making a response to the recommendations of the Royal Commission, has decided to include the Office of Professional Standards in the portfolio of Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation.

“We have taken this step because we believe that to safeguard those who are vulnerable is a matter of restoring justice to those who have been wronged, and of promoting the continuing safeguarding for the people whom we meet in the course of our daily work and ministries.”

Fr Michael says once the SVD’s official policies and protocols for protection and reporting are reviewed and formulated, they will be compiled into a Manual of Professional Standards for the Province, which will be available to the public.

“We will ensure that all Divine Word Missionary members have encountered the document and are living and working in compliance with its provisions, in addition to fulfilling the State, Territory and Church requirements for ministry.

“We believe that our efforts will contribute to a safer society and a safer Church.”