Missionary disciples rejoice in love - Oct 5
Extraordinary Mission MonthIn the Gospel for today, the seventy (or seventy-two) disciples return from the mission with joy, to give account to their master Jesus of their pastoral success: “even the demons are subject to us because of your name” (Lk 10:17).
Jesus and his close followers are on their way to Jerusalem, and as he goes he instructs them. It is not a question of conversion, for that has already taken place. It is a more a question of growth in understanding of what Jesus is about and commitment to that.
'Whoever listens to you listens to me ...'
Extraordinary Mission MonthFor a deeper understanding of the mission to which all Christians are called, it is useful to start from the words of Jesus in Lk 10:13-16, and then turn to the prayer of Bar 1:15-22.
Jesus offers practical guidance for our mission - Oct 3
Extraordinary Mission MonthThe books of Ezra and Nehemiah describes, in an epic of faith, important moments of the restoration of the community of the People of God in the ancient land of the fathers after the Babylonian exile.
As a son or daughter in Christ every disciple is missionary - Oct 2
Extraordinary Mission MonthThe two readings of today’s liturgy, Neh 2:1-8 and Mt 18:1-5,10, can be understood as fundamental expressions of a missionary spirituality for our time.
Church's mission is to conform itself to person & mystery of Christ
Extraordinary Mission Month reflectionThe prophecy of Zechariah 8:20-23 nourishes the hope of the people of God, who await its fulfillment in the universal pilgrimage of peoples to Jerusalem at the end of time (see Zec 8:22).
This story that Jesus told used to confuse me. On the one hand the rich man didn’t seem to do anything really harmful to someone else or “something really evil”, and yet he ends up in burning fire, excluded from Abraham’s bosom.
As I thought about this saying I tried to think about some Christian that I may have met in my 59 years of priestly ministry who was a slave of money. I could not think of a single person.
I’m struggling with a temptation this week to do a homily that I’ve already done on the 4th Sunday of Lent because its reading and today’s are the same. I could have just reprinted my homily on the Prodigal Son and it would still be absolutely alright.
Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time - Y ear C - 2019
Fr Elmer Ibarra SVDFor those, like me, who have ever played the game “Pokemon Go”, you might be able to relate with me. As far as I understand the game, you capture as many Pokemon monsters as you can.
Father's Day can hold many emotions for both men and women - those who had a loving father that passed away, those who never knew their dad, those expectantly waiting to become a dad soon, and countless other situations ...
I feel blessed to admit there is very little need for comment in today’s readings. They speak for themselves!
In today’s Gospel the story is told of how one of Jesus’ followers asks him if many or only a few will be saved. Jesus does not give a direct answer.
At first reading of this Sunday’s Gospel, we might be seriously wondering what Jesus is talking about. We all thought that Jesus came to this world as a “Prince of Peace”.