Scripture Reflections

“Isis beheads Christians!”, “Chaos in Paris”, “Bush fires engulfs houses”! Whenever we hear these headlines, it brings chills down our spines,

Jesus said, “Everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice” (John 18:37).
That’s why, after working diligently throughout an entire night

The end of the world!!! Various people have anticipated it, various people have tried to predict when it will happen and so far we’re still around to tell the story.

One of the most common needs of human beings today is the need for identity. It takes various forms like need for recognition, appreciation, acknowledgement, or in simple terms, “look at Me.” 

The Church marks the beginning of November with the solemn celebration of All Saints, the holy men and women who led an extraordinary life of faith and love. 

It has been just over three years since I was asked to go to Janssen Spirituality Centre in Boronia. It has been an interesting journey to change from working in PNG as a teacher, director of a Cultural Institute, or Conference Secretary.

Jericho? Have you ever been in this city?

In sports, the dream of an athlete is to be the best, to be at the top, to be number one.

The question of this follower of Jesus, to attain perfection in life, seems very sincere and true. 

Recently, marriage has been quite a hot topic in various sectors of society. At one end, there are advocates for “marriage equality” which means you can marry any person regardless of their gender.

Saturday, 03 October 2015 09:52

27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Recently, marriage has been quite a hot topic in various sectors of society. At one end, there are advocates for “marriage equality” which means you can marry any person regardless of their gender. 

Fr-Bernd-Ruffing-SVD---150Words said through the windscreen and other closed windows in the car won’t be heard by those who you talk to some metres away. This is what I try to tell Anne, a special girl in our orphanage in Thailand. However, Anne does not bother about it and keeps shouting her ‘good byes’ and ‘I’ll miss you’, and she is convinced that her words are being heard.

This threw me back to something I do which may even be a bit similar. Sometimes I simply bless people silently so that they don’t even know, or notice.

The Fall of Saigon in 30 April, 1975, a historical event for not only the Vietnamese but also many Australians, was significantly engraved into many people’s minds with a historical photo that captured an US helicopter on the top of a building in Saigon during the last minutes before the city fell into the hands of Vietcong.

During his prime, Muhammad Ali, the heavyweight-boxing champion of the 60s and the 70s proclaimed one day, “I am the greatest! I am the greatest!” 

When I found this phrase in today’s Gospel, it touched me quite deeply and made me to ask some questions about the way I do my thinking.

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