When I was learning how to drive, my instructor insisted that before changing lanes or before entering the traffic ...
On this Second Sunday of Easter, we continue to read the resurrection account, from the 20th chapter of St John’s gospel.
Pope Francis in his Apostolic Exhortation, “The Joy of the Gospel” states, “There are Christians whose lives seems like Lent without Easter”.
Today is one of the very rare days that we have two gospels read during the same mass.
Through Ups and Downs - the Holy Week - a reflection
Br Bernd Ruffing SVDAs we’re approaching the Holy Week, we’re preparing ourselves to take part in the suffering, death and resurrection.
He was a student in my Bible class, 'The Introduction to the New Testament'. In my weekly lectures he very often raised many questions, clever ones.
The image of the cross is one of the most popular and most powerful images that we see.
The Gospel speaks of Christ defending and protecting the sancitity of the temple as a place for encounters between God and people.
Last Sunday we stayed with Jesus in the desert. On this second Sunday of Lent we are transported to the top of a mountain.
Recently I attended a workshop in Italy (Nemi) on “Interculturality”. That is a big word, but basically it comes down to the way we appreciate cultural sameness and difference. Our final mass was a fitting exemplar of our two weeks together.
We were SVDs and SSpS from all corners of the world and we had hymns with verses in English, Spanish, Portuguese, Indonesian, German and Swahili.
Temptations are a regular part of our lives. Five days a week, I go out in the morning and take an hour walk around the corner here in Macquarie Fields.
I remember seeing a cat with a little bell on her neck and it really annoyed the cat.
According to Mark, today is the first day of Jesus’ public ministry, which is filled with teaching and healing.
Jesus’ kind of teaching was a regular source of amazement to others! If we go through the pages of the Bible we would be struck by how many times it records people’s amazement at Jesus.
I used to think that the story concerning Jesus’ call of the first four disciples by the Sea of Galilee ...