Friday, 23 December 2022 13:04

Christmas - The Nativity of our Lord

Bill Burt 150A Christmas Gift

It’s difficult to say something about Christmas that has never been said before! Maybe, though, that’s not an issue, as at this special time of year, traditions are important. Christmas just wouldn’t be Christmas if we didn’t do certain things, eat certain foods and maybe carry-out special rituals that we have always done. Christmas traditions, be they personal, family, public and/or religious ones, are important as they remind us of things that we value and hold dear.

Christmas nativity Santa Teresa 550Christmas cribs have a distinctive role in so many parts of the world. Some are grand, like in the great cathedrals, while others can be somewhat confusing: I once arrived at Jakarta’s international airport on Christmas Day, to be greeted by a colourful crib that featured Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs standing beside the Holy Family!

But we are drawn to the scene in Bethlehem. The baby Jesus in the manger is a magnet that is hard to resist. It can touch us in many ways, one of which is a reminder that God has given us an amazing gift. That gift is, of course, Jesus himself.

In giving humanity the gift of Jesus, God is saying to us, “You are valuable. I value you. You are not junk!” This is a reminder that’s worth considering at Christmas. God is saying, “I wouldn’t give you my Son, if I didn’t think you are worthy of Him!”

A Christmas gift to each of us is a reminder that we have value in God’s eyes.

The Bible says, “I am not junk” because:

  1. I am forgiven (Psalm 103).
  2. I am free (Psalm 118).
  3. I have hope (Psalm 25).
  4. I have talents (Romans 12).
  5. I have a purpose (Proverbs 16).
  6. I have value (Psalm 139).
  7. I am blessed (Psalm 32).

Let’s allow ourselves to be reminded of this gift by the beautiful Christmas traditions that are ours at this time of year.

PHOTO: The 'iron crib' nativity scene, donated to the Santa Teresa community in Central Australia this year.

Last modified on Friday, 23 December 2022 13:10